W e b S t o r m N o d e m P a y c t O h S o n G o U U M t b u i u l l n t i t i t u p i a e 2 s s 2 s

This month’s development setup experiment has two goals.

  1. Install packages without Homebrew
  2. Try Fleet and JetBrains WebStorm.


I’m always trying new things. For the last couple of months I have been using a largely command-line based set of tools.

My Neovim config turned Neovim into an IDE with LSP and more.

Command-line based setups are minimal and fast, but they have a steep learning curve and take a lot of time to configure. People constantly tweak their Neovim configurations, and I was no exception. There is even a Neovim plugin which tells you how many days have passed since your last configuration change.

I began to wonder - How might a developer set up a Mac for software development while relying on packages managed by the software authors themselves? I also was curious to see how the JetBrains family of IDEs had changed over the years.

Software installed without Homebrew

Setting up Multipass

First, instantiate a VM.

multipass launch -n c9r --cloud-init cloud-config.yaml

Mount your home directory.

multipass mount $HOME c9r

Multipass aliases allow commands in Multipass VMs to be run from the host OS.

multipass alias c9r:tree tree 

Now I am able to run tree from macOS.

JetBrains WebStorm

